Why Netflix Speeds for Verizon Users Are 10x Faster when Using VyprVPN
TODO ?>Colin Nederkoorn, a frustrated Verizon customer, published a great article and videoillustrating how VyprVPN allowed him to get 10x faster speeds on Netflix. Thousands of users have responded and many are wondering how a VPN actually increases speeds. Recently we published an infographic that explains the “Peering Problem” in more detail: /take-back-your-internet/infographics/the-netflix-comcast-peering-problem.
The reality is, more and more VyprVPN users inside and outside the USA tell us that their speeds actually increase when they use VyprVPN. Users are effectively using VyprVPN as their “virtual ISP” for faster speeds, but they also get security and privacy due to the encrypted connection.
Common sense says that speeds would inherently slow down due to the encryption overhead but there is more going on at the network layer to explain the increased speed. We are the only VPN provider that doesn’t “rent” servers and network from hosting providers, etc. We own and operate our own server infrastructure and run our own network. Running your own network means we control the router and can choose uncongested routes to our users. It seems that Verizon intentionally ignores the congestion and resulting customer complaints.
Netflix is likely using Level3 or Cogent to get to Verizon. If these links are saturated (reports are that they are), then performance through them is going to suffer because the pipe is not big enough for all the bits that need to go through it. Golden Frog uses other backbone providers to get to Verizon, so we’re not going through those congested links. Our paths to Verizon are uncongested. When the author uses VyprVPN to watch Netflix, he avoids the congested links and gets as much bandwidth as he needs.
The core problem is the severe lack of competition in the United States. As we stated in Comments to the FCC as a member of the i2Coalition:
“The most effective way for the Commission to protect and promote the open Internet is to implement Open Access by reclassifying the broadband transmission component as a Title II telecommunications service. The NPRM’s proposed Net Neutrality rules attempt to alleviate the effects of an uncompetitive last mile by regulating broadband access, but Open Access strikes at the heart of the problem by opening up the network to robust competition. Open Access would bring competition back to the Internet access market and consumer choice would be the primary safeguard against abusive and discriminatory network practices.”
We are also filing comments to the FCC today on behalf of Golden Frog and currently evaluating whether to include Colin Nederkoorn”s Verizon issue as part of our FCC filing. Thanks Colin!
We recommend all Golden Frog users to file their own personal comments at the FCC about Open Access before the end of the deadline today. http://www.fcc.gov/comments